All times are CET (Berlin/Stockholm/Madrid)
PRICES (please pay according to your financial situation)
Online single class - €12
Online 10 class pack - €105
IRL single class - €15
IRL 10 class pack - €120
Private session - €75/100
To make the best of your zoom yoga session, I suggest that you stove away or turn off your
mobile phone. Light a candle or some incense. Set an intention. If you want to use the playlists I create, I recommend that you play the music on a separate device, if possible.
Finally, I think it's nice to have the camera on at the beginning and end to say hi and bye, but ultimately that's up to you. During practice, you can choose to have it on or off. If it's on, I may offer feedback.
You can always ask me questions, especially after class.