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A mindfulness mentorship

meeting weekly online


This group is intended for dedicated meditators who are looking for community, support and accountability. It is for those who are curious about the dharma (buddhist teachings).

And it's for those who'd like to deepen and further their formal practice, but also to bring mindfulness from the laboratory of the cushion, and into our lives. It’s meant to be a brave space, where we feel safe enough both to share and to listen deeply.


The topics we discuss and work with will largely depend on you, the members of this sangha (community), but can include :

  • working with hinderances

  • deepening our understanding & experience of the core teachings of the Buddha

  • metta (loving kindness)

  • working with the inner critic

  • doubt on the path

  • maps of awakening

  • anatta (no-self) and its relationship to the end of suffering


Each week’s session will begin with a check in. Then we’ll meditate together for 20-30 minutes. There might be a short presentation or dharma talk from me, but mostly this is an interactive experience where we discuss topics and themes that seem relevant to us right now.

I may also provide short readings or exercises as ‘homework.’

You’ll also have the possibility of meeting 1-2-1 once during thes mentorship.


There’s a 3-month initial commitment. After that, we’ll discuss whether and how we continue to meet.


Price:  €175/€140 (financial hardship)

Max 10 participants.

image by Toni Pomar via Unsplash

Image by Toni Pomar
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